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"Cultivate earth, hearth and heart." J. Muir

Recipes from New Leaves

Cold Tea Loaf

Cold Tea LoafMaking Cold Leaf Tea

A wartime recipe (contains no fat or oil)

1 large cup mixed dried fruit (1/2 lb)
1/3 cup sugar (1/4 lb)
1 large cup cold tea (10 fl oz) - any type of tea will do
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of mixed spice (cinnamon and nutmeg will do, or just mixed spice, or none at all, it’s still good)

Add a desert spoon of treacle, or none at all, try it with or without. Put all ingredients together in a bowl and soak overnight.

In the morning mix in one and a third large cups of self raising flour. Now put into two small loaf tins, and bake at 375°C for about 40 mins, until a knife piercing the centre comes out dry.

It’s really good hot and buttered with vegan spread or coconut oil!

Frank Bowman

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